Stone Roses, The Stone Roses album, is one of the few albums that has the privilege of agreeing with practically the entire specialist criticism.
However, this album is much more than that. It represents a city, a culture, a movement, a nation and a musical decade that we continue to turn towards today.
Stone Roses, released on 2 May 1989, quickly became the Manchester manifesto.
The album features tracks of psychedelic, dance-oriented, pop, 60s atmospheres and funk.
Stone Roses is considered to be the pivotal step in a movement that not only does not fully represent but also, thanks to the Stone Roses, would represent the entire British musical decade.
The beauty of this album lies in its power and its freshness, minus all the sixties influences.
An album that brought an audience from the purest rock to dance and pop.
A dazzling debut that took the band to cult status.