Reviewing a Stones album is never an easy thing. We are talking about a band that has been on the ball for fifty years.
Like all bands they have had moments of downturn but for the most part they have given us pieces that are rightfully in rock history.
Hackney Diamond, might sound like their last record, because listening to it takes you on a journey through decades past.
The arrangements are very modern and some tracks sound more pop than rock.
Let‘s face it, it is not their best album but it works well, incredibly well.
There is discontinuity in the tracks but each track pulls you into some different genre.
Sounding good, Depending on You, Byte My Head Off, Mess It Up, Live by the Sword and Muddy Waters‘ cover of Rolling Stone have similarities to past tracks and this makes for a strange com connection on a journey back into Stones world.
Time passes even for the immortals, and even if Hackney Diamonds were their last album I think they could carry this burden head-on.